Summer Photography Series for All Ages

June 15, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Today is National Nature Photography Day so what better start to the Summer Photography Series! Summer is a great time to photograph nature. Capturing the beauty of outdoors is also quite peaceful.  For the Summer Photography Series I will focus on some fun photography that you can create your own Summer Memories with. This series can keep the kids busy and even create a few Rainy Day Activities but it’s actually good for all ages. So grab your camera or cell phone and let’s get started.

Coastal Virginia offers so many opportunities from amazing Sunsets, eastern wildlife, to beautiful flowers and insects. We will take a few parts of Nature to focus on that will bring a smile to your eyes (yes your eyes do smile) and memories of the beautiful outdoors!

  1. It’s a BUGS Life….. so I am not the biggest bug fan BUT I do have a few bugs that I love to capture. Probably because I love flowers and so do these bugs. Bees, Butterflies and Dragonflies oh my…. Now of course be careful when dealing with any type of stingy bug but don’t dismiss them entirely. Take a look at our beautiful bees legs…. You can see the pollen piled on! How cool is that! *** Pro Tip…. Did your know your cell phone is actually like a wide angle macro lens so you can get in nice and close to those beautiful bugs. Norfolk Botanical Gardens is a great place to visit and capture those creepy crawlies! 











Did you know that Nature Photography actually improves your overall mental health. It improves your mood, agility, and concentration. Having a bad day? Grab that camera and head out to capture nature.


  1. In Your Own Backyard…. whether it’s your trees, flowers, wildlife, or landscape. Get to know your own backyard. Plants and wildlife in your yard are vital to the ecosystem and that whole Circle of Life saying. Take the time to photograph and even log the different plant and animal species.  *** Pro Tip…. Crop don’t Zoom! When photographing your pictures crop in post production( meaning after you take the picture). Take a look at that deer… she was actually in a field and more than 400 feet away.


  1. Summer Scavenger Hunt…. Want to have a little fun this summer with your photography? Make a summer scavenger list of what you want to capture to create a summer of fun. The list can include, a sunset, the beach, a squirrel, a deer, and on and on. Once you capture the list you can create a collection of Wildlife, Landscapes, Insects, Flowers, Trees,  etc…..  ***Pro Tip… If using your cell phone Organize your photography scavenger hunt list by creating a folder to send the images. Then if you decide to make a memory book or want to look back to see your progress, they are all in one place.


All Summer long check out our Blog for more Summer Photography Fun, Rainy Day Photography Activities and Photography Fun for the Entire Family! Then take your pictures over to our  When Skies Are Grey Photography by Denise "In Focus" Private Group and share your photos with the group. If you haven’t joined yet send a request to join.

As always you make me happy when you choose When Skies Are Grey Photography by Denise !



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