Tips & Tricks for Capturing that First Day of School

August 17, 2021  •  1 Comment

Calling all MOM-arazzi's & DAD-arazzi's!!!

They are already starting whether it's the College Students heading into their dorms or Pre-K thru Seniors our social media feeds are filling with those soooo important 1st Day of School Pictures!  We all know how much we treasure looking back on those first day of school pictures but we really realize how much we love them when we don’t get to take them anymore. 

So here’s a few tips and tricks to capture those moments and make the memories of your child’s school career! Because before you know it those 12+ years will be gone. 

  1.  For little ones maybe have them sit on a step or lean against a wall. This helps the antsy moves and any first day nerves. BONUS… stairs   are a great place to pop a sign up with all their first day stats! Looking for a sign, check out this  Chalkboard Back to School StatsDon’t fear the close up! Have them sit down and prop their hands under their chin and look up at you! First Day of SchoolFirst Day of SchoolFirst Day of School Photo
  2. Now you don't just have to focus on that crazy hectic morning. Make it a full day theme and snap candid pictures from the clothes laid out to the goodnight kiss! Sometimes the best moments you capture are the candid ones where you aren’t saying say Cheese….PRO TIP…. stop saying cheese! 😆 it actually makes the face unflattering in lots of cases. 
  3. Don’t think the front door is the only place … Use a tree, garden  or florals to spruce up the scene. Make sure to put the sun behind your child if you don’t have a shaded spot. No one wants squinty eyes or worse yet a child yelling the sun is in my eyes. 
  4. If taking inside shots try to position by a window or with a doorway. This allows for natural light.
  5. Get some Props! Get a Custom Sign or try a little nostalgia and each year have your child hold their first first day picture and watch that growth from the first year to the twelfth year. Wanna try something so fun, grab an Adult Sized Shirt with their Class of and each year let them grow into it! 
  6. No one says mom, dad or the siblings can’t crash the 1st day picture party so grab a selfie when you have a silly moment. and bring in the whole family or some of their friends at the bus stop. DON"T forget the pets!
  7. School PhotosSchool Photos Don’t just put them up on social media and let them fade away in the virtual world print one from every year and display them BONUS you now have your first decoration for their Graduation Party!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Last HAVE FUN with it! Last year we became Empty Nesters … insert crocodile tears….while it was a super emotional moment seeing my baby leave nest and head to college I played it up big getting her sister to take some silly pictures of us to make the transition a little more   of a laughable moment! So grab that BYE BYE sign or bottle of wine and make those moments laughable.  

    Now there’s always a moment we want captured by a professional. If you want some Back To School professional images Let's Chat! If you are homeschooling or looking for a little more in those school pictures this year we can create some wonderful memories for all ages. And don’t forgot those Senior Experiences. From the Snappy Quick to the Paparazzi Package When Skies Are Grey Photography by Denise can create those Senior Moments tailored to your Senior.

         As always you make me happy for choosing When Skies Are Grey Photography by Denise !



Elaina D'Agostino(non-registered)
I appreciate your advice about positioning near the window or doorway if we're taking a photo indoors. My little sister will surely not want to pose outside on her first day of school. She wants to look fresh for her friends. We'll try this because we're starting a tradition of taking photos for every milestone.
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