Milestone Birthday Memory Photos for the Entire Family

February 28, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Milestone Birthday Sessions aren’t just for the Kardashians! While they may be lavish and posted all over the world the importance of birthday photography sessions is a documentation of time.

Birthday Photography at Hampton CarouselBirthday Photography at Hampton Carousel

A photograph is to keep a memory and a birthday photography session keeps those memories engulfed in a portrait.  The portrait is a memory for yourself, your family, and the ones you love. Of course yes it can be Instagram-worthy, but the memory itself lives on forever. After all, a photograph is a snapshot of a moment to keep a memory forever.


So why are milestone sessions so important? And who needs to have them?


First– The memory of course but what does that memory entail? It’s your style, your favorite color, the color of your hair, the length or lack thereof your hair, and all that encompasses who you are at that exact moment in time. We often refer to those birthdays as Chapters and this documents the beginning of your next chapter.


Second- It’s not just for babies' milestones! Of course, you should become a member of our Mini Membership to document all the changes in the first year of life but life continues to go on every year and changes may slow down but still occur. Even for your pets you should bring them in for a Puppy Session and/or One-year session and then for a Senior Session. Pets are on average only with us for 10-12 years so Pet Milestone Sessions allow your pet to live on with you for future generations. Just think of the stories you will have to talk about the fun adventures or snuggly kisses you experienced with your pet after they are gone.

Dog 1st Birthday Photographer Chesapeake VirginiaDog 1st Birthday Photographer Chesapeake Virginia

Third – Creativity! Sometimes you just need to step outside the box and express yourself from who you are at that moment. A yearly self-expression photography session allows just that! Taking a moment to pamper yourself, your child, or your pet to prepare for this special moment. Be creative and ask your photographer to assist in spotlighting your likes in a creative fun session.


Fourth – Mental Health…. Self-expression, joyous memories, and life documenting …. All these assists in your mental health and awareness. Photos trigger endorphins and dopamine. A photo's impact on your emotions can make a difference in your overall mental health. Have you ever had a bad day and just sit down and scroll through your phone looking at pictures to make you laugh? Well, think about how much a custom art photo wall in your home could elevate your happiness level. Just walk down the hallway to smile!


Fifth – FUN! Yep! It’s just plan ole’ FUN! Whether you are blasting Insta with your creative birthday memories, creating custom art for your walls, or just keeping the memories for yourself you have FUN in the making of the memory. And more importantly FUN for those future generations to look at those photos of their loved ones.

First Year Birthday SessionsFirst Year Birthday Sessions

Now you know How Important it is to capture those Milestone Birthday memories for yourself, your children, and your pets so Mark the Date & contact us for a Milestone Birthday Session NOW!


Denise Powers, is a professional freelance photographer, graphic designer, and brand specialist based in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Voted Best Photography/Photography Studio by Virginia Media



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