Preparing for Dance Picture Day ... 5 Easy Tips to Make the Day Fun and Stress Free

February 09, 2023  •  1 Comment

Dance Picture Day is such an exciting time! It’s almost like a trial run for your upcoming end-of-year performance. The best picture days are the prepared picture days!

As you start preparing for your individual pictures look up photos of dancers! See if there are any specific poses you want to do or ask your dance teacher for suggestions. Having poses prepared will help you in preparing for your individual photos.  Practice your poses at home so you feel ready and confident for Picture Day. With just a little preparation you can make your Dance Pictures the absolute BEST memories!

We have 5 easy tips for Preparing for the Most Successful Fun Picture Day. 

  1. Prepare Costumes, Shoes & Tights:

Make sure you have your accessories for each costume, the costume itself, proper tights, and shoes put together the night before pictures. A simple way to keep up with costume accessories is to place them in a Ziploc bag and attach them to the hanger. Also, don’t forget to label all the items. Quick changes can sometimes lead to things getting mixed up between dancers.

  1. Hair:

If you are trying a new style or putting your child’s hair up for the first time, practice prior to picture day. Remember some styles may take longer than you expect so practicing in advance will keep you and your child stress-free. A stressed-out dancer will not present their best self to the photographer. Remind little ones that “the photographer” will be taking their dance pictures. This is a stranger to most of them so make sure they are prepared.

  1. Makeup:

Do a trial run the week before. As a previous dance mom, I remember mascara being the not-so-favorite part of the dance! No one wants a teary-eyed photo of their child in costume so come up with a makeup application plan prior to picture day to avoid the tears. All dancers should wear performance makeup per your studio’s requirement. Please check with your dance teacher for their specifications.

  1. What not to wear & the small details:

No nail polish, unless allowed by your studio. Make sure your fingernails are clean and cut. This includes toenail polish if your dancer is barefoot.

Earrings/Accessories: No earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, or any other form of jewelry unless your dance studio allows it or it is part of your costume.

  1. Have FUN! Remember this last step…..SMILE…Bring your show face & Have FUN!

 I promise you will love looking back thru all your dance photos and you will be happiest knowing how much fun you had while taking them! 

As always YOU make me happy when YOU choose When Skies Are Grey Photography, Media, & Designs by Denise

Denise Powers is a Professional Photographer based in Chesapeake, Virginia. Denise captures, creates & crafts your moments into memories. 

Contact When Skies Are Grey Photography, Media, & Designs to schedule your dance studio's Picture Day.


In a quick search for an article for a great photographer, I found your blog, what incredible content! Thank you for taking the time to help us. Hugs and keep it up.
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