What's In A Name?

April 27, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

It's National Tell ~ A ~ Story Day.... so who wants to hear a story? 

A long long time ago in a land not so far away.... okay so maybe not that kind of story. But how about What's in my businesses name? Don't go... keep reading I promise it's a little funny and a lot meaningful. 

So every night from the birth of my first daughter I sang to her ...." You are my Sunshine" . Let me take you thru the lyrics just a little further. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

                         You make me happy WHEN SKIES ARE GREY"

                                                                              END OF STORY! .......

Nooooo anyone who knows me knows I have way more to say than that! 

When she was about 2 years old I even learned the second verse which wasn't quite as lullaby oriented. The next five years every night I sang the same song to my daughter to soothe her to sleep all the way thru that second verse. It did the trick every night off to sleep she would go and even when she visited her grandparents they would sing "her song." At 7 years old she was SUPER excited she was becoming the BIG SISTER. She wanted a baby sister so badly and finally the day arrived.

Over the next couple of months the novelty of Big Sister wore off a bit and just like many new siblings bring change her new little sister brought a big change! That beloved lullaby that she loved so very much that lulled her to sleep drove her new little sister to uncontrollable crying, crocodile tears and nothing close to lulled to sleep. It took a few months to realize that the song I was singing to my first child that sent into a peaceful sleep had my second child keeping us all awake with uncontrollable crying. Well what I thought was uncontrollable except when I would stop singing she would stop crying. So once I realized the tears were connected to the song my oldest lost her beloved lullaby every night. Pretty sure the song wasn't the problem it just signaled to my newborn it was time to sleep and she didn't like sleeping! Often I would try the song out and even still today she has an aversion to the song because to her it means it's time for bed! The irony was her first year of ballet her recital piece was ballet to the song " You are my Sunshine." What a testimony to every child being different. One element that is perfect for one person may not be perfect for the other. 


As a photographer, I personalize and tailor each project to the Client. Your client questionnaire gives me the opportunity to suggest locations and customize your experience. Just as my daughters needed two different lullaby's every client needs a personalized touch to their session. So if you say you love nature and have a woodsy feel my recommendation for your family session may be Chesapeake Arboretum DSC_2750Chesapeake Arboretum Family Photos at Chesapeake Arboretum


If your Graduating Senior loves the City Vibe I may suggest the Neon District. The goal will always be to make the experience the most I can for my clients. 

DSC_6618Norfolk Neon DistrictNorfolk Neon District

So now you ask Why When Skies Are Grey? Why not the song title "You Are My Sunshine"?  That gets into the technical aspect of photography while everyone thinks the best day to take a photo is when the sun is shining brightly it's actually on a cloudy day. When the skies are grey you don't end up with harsh shadows on your subjects. Light is the basic element of photography and the importance of proper lighting is an entire Blog alone! So we won't dive deep into the aspects of lighting but if you are naming a photography business based on the significance of the song "You are my Sunshine"... the "When Skies Are Grey" is a much better fit for the name. 


Now for the gushy mushy side of your photographer! The final element in the Tell A Story of What's In A Name for When Skies Are Grey Photography by Denise. The "You Make Me Happy" part.... remember the lyrics. 


                                                                          "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

                                                                           You make me happy WHEN SKIES ARE GREY"

When you may be feeling grey... when you are lacking cheer and brightness... what is your "You Make Me Happy" often its' a photograph. A photograph lifts your cheer and creates a happy emotion with just one look. It can transform you to the moment and bring the happiness from that moment in time. So capturing the moment to create and craft your forever memories to give you the "You Make Me Happy" moment is what makes me happy!


There you have it the Story of the Name....

The Song represents a family memory

The Lyrics explain the aspects and elements of photography... lighting as the element and making you happy as the aspect. 


So Now When You Read 

          "You Make Me Happy When You Choose When Skies Are Grey Photography by Denise" You Now Know the Story! 




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